This is a Super Premium quality oval mix shaped Peetambari Neelam belongs to Sri Lanka. The most common size of Peetambari Neelam is a range between 3 to 7 carat. This product is lab tested and 100% natural. Peetambari Neelam is a combined gemstone and useful for the planets Saturn and Jupiter.
QualitySuper Premium
Weight TypeCarat
ShapeOval Mix
OriginSri Lanka

Blue Sapphire is the primary remedy for Saturn in Indian astrology. As this Gem belongs to Sapphire group, its hardness, transparency and beautiful blue color makes it one of the most expensive gemstone. Blue sapphire is very powerful and should be used only on recommendation of astrologers.

These days, a large number of people prefer wearing colourful gemstones as per their zodiacal sign because it can provide them with many unbelievable benefits. So, if you are also looking for one then you can go with blue sapphire which is also known as Neelam gemstone as it is blue in colour. This gemstone is the most valuable and rare gemstone found in different parts of this world. In fact, it is the finest gemstone and even acknowledged as most attractive due to blue colour. This gemstone is mostly found in forests and dense rocks. To make it look appealing it undergoes many colour and heath treatments. Along with blue colour it is found in many other colours, but out of all others blue sapphire is the best and even suggested by astrologers as well. Most of the astrologers believe and say that this gemstone is directly related to Saturn and this planet is the governing body of neelam gemstone.

There are so many places in this world where this attractive and beautiful gemstone is found. Some of the places are Kenya, Burma, Thailand, USA, Tanzania, Colombia, China, Cambodia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nepal, Madagascar, Malawi, Burma, Pakistan, Australia and many more.

Whenever any person know about the magical benefits of wearing this precious gemstone then numbers of questions pop in mind, but most of the individuals want to know who can wear this gemstone. So, to overcome this problem you can visit astrologers who can provide you proper guidance and suggest whether or not to wear this gemstone.

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rs. 20250/- (Per Carat)

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